Also bought some BNB (BSC) (from MoonPay) and it hasn’t arrived

I also bought some BNB (BSC) (from MoonPay) and it hasn’t arrived in my wallet yet. I reached out to MoonPay and they said reach out to Trust Wallet. Here is the transaction information

Tx Hash: 0x6d7d5cf9e0f12e3031f50f3db1ea0408e4539cbaa5267ee7ec503bd8bbe66883

From: 0x3c783c21a0383057d128bae431894a5c19f9cf06

Destination (My Wallet): 0x38d137ad21d7fc5f5e674a77a20c076f0ddaa7c5

The transaction is showing successful on the chain.

Please help me receive my BNB; I don’t want to lose my $50!

Hello @bhh32 the transaction hash you sent above is not moonpay purchase transaction, it is withdraw from Binance to your wallet.

You received the transaction successfully and transferred out your BNB to another address, here’s transaction:

Here is the texted copied from the receipt screenshot (I’m not allowed to post the screenshot in here for some reason):

Thanks for using MoonPay. Here is your transaction receipt.

Receipt date
May 13, 2022

Transaction ID
a1426753-534c-4ce6 9acf-0d79bc36a7bc

Payment descriptor
MoonPay 2994

Destination wallet address

Transaction hash

I didn’t receive it in my wallet and I didn’t transfer it out. I wouldn’t be asking this question if I didn’t buy it from MoonPay and had received it.

Turns out all of my SOL was transferred out this morning, and it wasn’t me. I’m assuming this is what happened with my purchase before I even noticed. I’ve transferred everything I could put of that trust wallet multi-wallet as it seems to somehow have been compromised… over $125 gone.

@bhh32 If you have unauthorised transfers on your wallet then it means your wallet is compromised and here are the possible reasons:

  1. You shared your 12 words (via phishing, social engineering, etc.);

  2. You saved your 12 words in a very bad place;

  3. Your device is corrupted with malware;

  4. Someone had physical access to your device;

  5. You entered your recovery phrase on a fake/clone app;

  6. You transacted with a malicious DApp.

Unfortunately, confirmed transactions on the blockchain are irreversible. It is your responsibility to make sure your wallet is not compromised since the app is a non-custodial wallet (meaning, you SHOULD be the only one who holds the secret phrase and private keys).

Please read and understand this:

Learn more about how to protect your cryptos and new wallet: