Coin missing after swap

Help me. My coin is missing after swap.

Hash 0xe2cdb60191d6cafd42ff0ed19bb1881c7101ec9de3378f080e4397c5d2ac2945

Wallet 0x196cd53540acf0c113F3ce1b7949223f3E26C180

I swap token fia protocol to alaskan inu.
But alaskan inu token is missing.
Thanks before.

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Hi, Please try to add it as custom token. Here are the steps that you can do to manually add the token: How to Add a Custom Token

Token details:-
Network: Smart Chain
Contract: 0xde93bd535ccdab3d342d7c0bb75a6d1a93676063
Decimals: 9

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Thanks. But Why this token is still 0?
The transaction is approved,but token is 0.

I am sorry a cant post screenshot. Idont know why

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My token is missing in the first transaction. The token is still not coming.
Please help me.

Hash 0xe2cdb60191d6cafd42ff0ed19bb1881c7101ec9de3378f080e4397c5d2ac2945

Wallet 0x196cd53540acf0c113F3ce1b7949223f3E26C180

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Hi @Yohavent,

The code of the Alaskan Inu token is odd as it returns 0 value whenever a query is done to the smart contract to determine the token balance of an owner. Even the bscscan site shows 0 as well.


Therefore, the issue is with the token itself, not the app.