Did i just locked my bnb s with no prize

  1. version 1.28.8

  2. Further details about your issue (please explain what you were trying to do)

i staked my bnb s this morning. after a while i pressed unstake just to make sure i cant unstake in 7days. but i did… now it says locked for 7 days. and i think i wont able to get any prize after 7 days.

why my bnb s just locked for 7 days if i dont get any prize i dont understand.

Hi @robinhatestaking read more about bnb unstaking here: How to Unstake BNB with Trust Wallet

this is so bad. i was gonna get staking rewards after 7 days. now i wont but my bnb still be locked for 7 days. whats the point of putting unstake button there.

It was never mentioned in the app nor in the guides that there was a locking period when staking BNB, only when unstaking.

It’s straightforward. The point of the unstake button is for users to simply unstake.