How to Recover wrongly transferred ECOMI EASILY (for dummies)

How to Recover wrongly transferred ECOMI easily!

Alan from “” give me the right info on the day of my request!

Being not a Geek but Artist, I had to modify some of Alan’s instructions, but it worked like a breeze!

Follow this guide:
[How To Recover Funds Sent to a Wrong Public Address 3]

Only, on your internet browser, go to this site: “Extract private keys from Trust Wallet Recovery phrase” If you are like me, use Google first to figure what is it about.
Wondering, why, no one ever mention TWrecoveryTools…??

My understanding is, when we import a wallet with Private Key, we may erase the other wallets on the device, so I used a different cellphone to recover my OMI’s.

Preferably on Desktop (did not worked for me on my iPhone):

Select ETH in the coin part, then select the BIP32 option under Derivation Path, Client “Custom derivation path” .
Enter m the following values for BIP32 Derivation Path m/44'/6060'/0'/0
and continue with Step 4.

After getting the private key, open the Trust Wallet app > settings > wallets > + button on the top right corner > i already have a wallet > Ethereum > import the private key

That’s it, my lost OMI ERC20 appeared in my wallet!

Hello @Beee
We do not recognize that website you have posted above.
Therefore you use that at your own risks.
We only recognize the Iancoleman website from this guide: