I swap some ETH to a SHIBA INU token in Trust WALT, it was reduced from my ETH but noSHIBA INU token was added plz help me
my transaction hash:
Same issue with me. My transaction got cancelled. It got cut from my Ether but did not came
I swapped USDT to Shiba Inu token and transaction fee was in ETH, via Uniswap.
The ETH was deducted but not the USDT. Also did not receive my Shibu Inu token.
Admin could you please help? Transaction hash appears to be 0xd51c796be4d3b1e15d360f29f68d5994e79011d7cdf94670b3a7627f93204d5e
Also, how do I see transaction history on Uniswap?
I had shiba in my trust wallet eth added to my wallet and then shiba and eth came out of my wallet
I am not an expert, looks like successful transaction. To get to show up in your wallet, you need to get the contract link for Shiba from coinmarket cap. Go to main page of your wallet. In top right click on coin. Scroll all the way down, then select custom coin. Paste the contract from coinmarketcap. Should then show up.
I swapped shiba for eth and three seperate times the smart contract was successful but my tokens didn’t swap and I have no pending transactions. Have you had this issue before?
me ocurre exactamente lo mismo y no se ejecuta la tx, además me extraña que le valor a recibir pone 0 eth, no entiendo…
TrustWallet Team, I have same issue also. Swapped from my ETH to buy SHIBA coin.
For a small swap, I was charged $57 USD, my ETH was reduced, but swap transfer was not done!
Hash: 0x66bb27e497f2900b57386736290f70364c7ea013e4c7ba5f8c05f51ab3bdb50f
Contract: 0xe592427a0aece92de3edee1f18e0157c05861564
I appreciate someone looking into this and fixing this error and replying here. THANKS
Hi, first “transfer” was just the contract signature, its to be signed just the very first time you swapthis coin. So you must do then your transactions. Must pay contract, so everyting is ok.
i just swap some shiba inu through ethereum and they deduct the amount on ethereum but i never received anyt shiba inu coin
Transaction Hash:
please help !
Not working
I paid twice fees but no shibas on my account
Seems fees executed swaps not
Same problem here! Are they going to do something about it? Quite annoying.
Got the same problem. Tried several times to get SHIBA with my eth, had 0.11 and after 5 or 6 attempts after pending failed my eth is now 0.06 with no SHIBA coins.
I have exactly similar issue. Tried twice and the transaction fee has been deducted, but no Shiba inu coin. Admin please help
I have a similar issue but in this case swapping SHIB to COSHIB via Trust wallet and Uniswap. The status of the smart contract says “success”, and the transaction fee has been deducted (Transaction has: 0x23174e16d8604eebed736ba91d4d6bdc290577d79d793f6eb005bbb516d98b5f). Value: says 0 Ether. I am new to using Uniswap and trust wallet so I have no idea if my SHIB is on its way to being swapped for COSHIB or not (and does value = 0 mean the value of my swap? It was $1000 worth of SHIB).
Yesterday it took 5 hours to move Uni tokens from one wallet to another, so I am wondering if I have to wait for the swap to go through or has the swap failed. If someone can share their insight, that would be great!
@noliver Was this a reply to my post?
What do I need to do? What do you mean by below? I have to pay more?
I swapped my ETH to SHIBA but still have no received. My ETH has been deducted from my wallet and payed the network fee it’s been 24hrs still no SHIBA. Please help.
i exchange some ethereum to shiba inu but i wanna cancel the transaction because they charged me almost 162$
Can anyone look into my Transaction Hash