Im. Noting. A. Withdrawal. Token. Pliesses


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Withdrawal. To. Issu

Hi @Tyu67th8,

To better assist, please send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press ā€œAboutā€, take a screenshot, and attach it here)
  2. Crypto wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here)
  3. Transaction hash or link (if you have any, please copy and paste)
  4. Further details about your issue (please explain what you were trying to do)
  5. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance)
  6. Video recording of the issue (you can upload it via Google drive then share the viewing link here, make sure the permission is updated [example:])

Withdrawal. To. Wallet. Account. BNB

Hello @Tyu67th8,

Please give me more information (as stated in my previous reply) about the issue that you encountered so I can help you.

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  • 0xD1739c9e6E250eC87793Ad71CfF99C97975aeC6E

0 voters

0xD1739c9e6E250eC87793Ad71CfF99C97975aeC6E[poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]

  • 0xD1739c9e6E250eC87793Ad71CfF99C97975aeC6E

Hi @Tyu67th8,

Please give me more details so I can understand you better. What happened? Are there bugs? What are you trying to transact? Are you using a DApp?

Also, 0xD1739c9e6E250eC87793Ad71CfF99C97975aeC6E does not match anything.