Incoming hpad transaction not showing

Can you kindly assist, I purchased hpad on pancake and it is showing success on bcscan but zero balance of hpad on my wallet. How do I rectify the error please?



Transaction hash


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Hello @Muky you transaction was successfully completed but it seems your funds redirected to another address (0x0040c81b7de0953e5b9fc056700479cace1b7500).

This usually occurs when you swap your tokens on phishing/fake DApps sites.

Can you tell us where did you find the link used during swapping? Send screenshot displaying the site with link visited visible.

Hı Alan ı have similar problem.Iam new on crypto i made 3 transaction 3 days ago.From my trustwallet to my metamask wallet.bnb hamster usdt and ether .Only etherum i received ,then i add smart chain network and bnb appeared ,then i add usdt and hamster but tokens did not appear.
0xc0AE097Bf8f7CeC0E28f4d08b49F548EF9c49e95 metamask adress of me
0xc3a50D6050bF26873f0c47d5B89Bd8bEa6037Cc6 trustwallet adress of me
below are the transactions i have lost

can you please help me?

my regards

@kbykby111 Please contact the customer support of Metamask so they can assist you with the deposit issue.

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