Lost my recovery keys

Hi my trust wallet is miss yesterday i need help two i still get acces to my bscscan acount help me get back my wallet lost also 12 keys

@Mike45 Unfortunately, no one can assist you with that. You are responsible for making sure that you created a backup and stored it in a safe place. Also, the Trust Wallet team does not keep a log of your recovery phrases for your security.

For further information, please read:

Hi jenny thank you for does informations i have back my wallet end i save my 12 keys very savely thank you but

But i had pay a transactions 3 days to someone but he supose to send me my money back he didn’t if there is a possibilités you guys helps me get my money back cause these personne is asking fees end money dont pay back please i have all the prouve to show end send to make it right cause trust wallet can do more te help some correct people

Hi @Mike45,

Please be informed that the Trust Wallet team cannot intervene since the app is a non-custodial wallet. Meaning, that only the one who created the wallet should have access to the secret phrase and/or private key. It is not uploaded to the servers.