Me robaron mis token bnb

se ha hecho una operacion de transferencia no fui yo. como puede ser que sea tan insegura esta wallet se han robado millones de los usuarios.


Me pasó lo mismo, tienes la transacción en bscscan?
A que sitios tienes conectada la wallet?

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si tengo la transaccion y solo la tengo sincronizada en el juego plants vs unded


A mí en particular me lo quitaron desde esta dirección: 0xa3b0422fb23d8e0f0eaf243cda405dc12ecf2932 (La podés buscar en bscscan)
Quizá es el mismo que te robó a vos…
Se me hace muy extraño, siendo que no entré a enlaces sospechosos ni descargué nada.

Hola chicos. Me pasó lo mismo me robaron todo lo que tenía.( Tengo las direcciones )

Los cake: 0xD15F4Fb2281da6f223285bD857d32a63b5A23b22

Los bnb:


Tendremos ayuda ? Cómo puede ser esto.

Hola, a mi también me robaron los bnb de esta cuenta:
Hace 1 hora aprox.

Vean el historial de la cuenta, esta robando muchísimo!!

Hay que reclamar por el Soporte de la wallet?

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Alguien sabe cómo realizar este reclamos. Estoy completamente desinformado de estás cuestiones.

hay que protestar en masa deben aumentar la seguridad vi que esa wallet tiene miles de $ en bcsscan tracker

My Metamask Wallet has also been emptied a week ago. It happened, when my wallet was connected to the cross-chain-bridge anyswap. And my assets also went to the same address 0xD15F4Fb2281da6f223285bD857d32a63b5A23b22. I think the most of his prey the hacker now holds on this address:0xb2C19e610E89BCB61BeC1cFb456207FDBe4b2B42. But Im not sure. He does a great number of transactions. Maybe its a group.

With the address 0xa305FAb8bDA7e1638235b054889B3217441Dd645 the Hacker brings his stolen BNB to Binance, but I think this information doesnt help, because its difficult to prove, that he has stolen it.

Somebody stole my token too, i never download malicious app or sharing 12 phrase, all i do is just surfing around 1inch and mcdex and pancakeswap but they hacked my account and steal my money. I’m really sad and trustwallet don’t do anything about it.
Stealer has 103k$ amount of money and stealing every day.
I want trustwallet please do something about your bugs, my life saving is gone and i’m really depressed

No one really caring about it?
Also i don’t have malicious software on my android.
At morning i see all my saves gone if trust wallet, i want trust wallet investigate about it to find bugs.
This is thief wallet:
On bcscan:

Sorry to hear about your recent experience. Here are the possible reasons:

  1. You shared your 12 words (via phishing, social engineering, etc.);

  2. You saved your 12 words in a very bad place;

  3. Your device is corrupted with malware;

  4. Someone had physical access to your device;

  5. You entered your recovery phrase on a fake/clone app.

  6. You transacted with a malicious DApp.

Unfortunately, confirmed transactions at blockchain are irreversible.

Please read and understand this:

Learn more about how to protect your cryptos and new wallet: