Missing Signature Request in Trust Wallet Wallet Connect when sending ETH from Ethermine

I have been using Trust Wallet for some time, but recently needed to transfer some ETH to my account from ethermine.

I’m trying to send some ETH to my trust wallet address from ethermine http://ethermine.org/ . I have my account connected in ethermien, but when I click Sign & Request I get a “Check your connected wallet for a signature request.” but I don’t recieve anything on my Trust Wallet app version 2.12 (from about Box).

I last received a transfer on 2/12/21 but not from ethermine. I have never managed so far to get money transferred from ethermine to trust wallet.

Hello @Sunnysingh69 Send your wallet address and transaction hash in plain text too (copy and paste here).

0x60a4cc606139EC6F0959fEfF956D07311f83F7f2 - trust wallet

I dont think I have a Transaction hash as ethermine just says ‘Check your connected wallet for a signature request’ and WalletConnect doesn’t respond with any code

@Sunnysingh69 if this is the correct transaction link: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x4bc9358a773aa1d7b649f7b45ff9a5cafd5aff5d1b8e8072ff2a52b1e0ef4768

Then, you already received your funds 8 days ago. And your final balance is 0.175392340845778575 Ether

No that was from f2Pool(check sender) to here, not from ethermine which is still showing as having a totla of 0.031021 ETH (1st Pic) which I want to put into my Trust Wallet.

My issue is the WalletConnect is not showing a signature request which should appear when you click the sign and request in ethermine, however it did when I orginally connectted ethermine and WalletCollect, but not when I want it to receive ETH

Ethermine shows the wallet as connected (1st pic)

@Sunnysingh69 this is not Trust wallet issue, contact ethermine to fix their DApp connectivity issue and transaction signing.

My wallet was hacked and my tokens transferred to another wallet. Please help me.

Sorry to hear about your recent experience. Here are the possible reasons:

  1. You shared your 12 words (via phishing, social engineering, etc.);

  2. You saved your 12 words in a very bad place;

  3. Your device is corrupted with malware;

  4. Someone had physical access to your device;

  5. You entered your recovery phrase on a fake/clone app.

  6. You transacted with a malicious DApp.

Unfortunately, confirmed transactions at blockchain are irreversible.

Please read and understand this:

Learn more about how to protect your cryptos and new wallet:

Thanks. But how do I move out the remaining tokens. They transferred the tokens with funds and left the new tokens.

You can move them out the same way you would withdraw a token

I tried to transfer them. But immediately I add a little bnb for transactions fees, they equally transfer it to their account.

It’s best to create a new wallet and forget the funds there then.
Please be careful next time with your recovery keys.

Yes I will. But didn’t actually give it out. I was shocked. Anyway, it’s rather too bad that our tokens are not safe in these wallets.