Missing token/deposit to recover my funds

Brother i have same problm…transaction completed but token not added in my wallet…i do mail to support team with all data n screenshots many times but they dont reply me!
Plz help me to recover my token…how can i send msg to devs?
I lost 500 Busd token…
Its huge for me…plzz plzzz help me

then where are the tokens from October 29th

December 4th

again you have to actually look at the images and see they have not posted to the wallet.

i am missing approximately 0.01 weth
i dont know how more plainly to put it.

I submitted a ticket and got the link to My Crypto is Missing, What Should I do help page. I followed all the instructions and my token is still not showing in my wallet.

On 12/5/2021 at 9:09pm US central time I moved my Polygon (MATIC) from Coinbase to my Trust Wallet. The wallet is as follows: 0x1489C0373A2360638D544A3AF218619A39acb1AD

The hash is as follows: 0x2d342a823eea670e3bbd9c4d35bad30d240563c6ad25e344f878dd3bf80160e9 and it says that it was successful.

I have tried reimporting my wallet and there is no change. My app version is 6.13 (61317). Polygon (MATIC) is recognized in Trust so I do not need to add a custom token. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Hello @ushardit17
Your tokens are in your wallet and you only need to add it manually as a custom token
Tap on the upper right corner in your wallet, search MATIC and enable the one with ERC20.

I already sent all that info to trust wallet support. My ticket number is 161758.


I think the transactions are at this address on etherscan


BTW I have tried my best by copying the contract address from the transaction hash and I still have no coins showing on my Trust Wallet.

0xbb1b7b66aa0c5abade627992176321edc583e26d - EtherScan Address

this is my wallet but why can’t I add my coins via custom token?

It seems you have made a mistake with importing the phrase to another wallet of yours.
You sent a screenshot showing funds on this address 0xf06D00B386c9257FE0C3071E9fb717Aafbb86f02 but your SHIB and those other tokens are on this address 0xbb1b7b66aa0c5abade627992176321edc583e26d

My tokens are missing from my wallet !!! how to recover it ? please help !!!

Hello @ghoshshubhashis To better assist, please send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, take a screenshot, and attach it here)

  2. Crypto wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here. Also copy and paste it in plain text)

  3. Transaction hash or link (if you have any, please copy and paste)

  4. Further details about your issue (please explain what you were trying to do)

  5. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance)

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This address shows teh funds of both ETH’s address together I just don’t understand why I have 2 different addresses on one wallet and why my other coins won’t import.

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I do not have any other wallets or phrase words how it possible? I swear I don’t have another wallet. I have just added the phrase and as you can see this is connected to that wallet via etherscan… so why am I unable to see my coins? I can only added it to a watch list and not use them whats so ever. I do not have a second wallet.

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Crypto Wallet Adress : 0x1127A5b6e2ac5aEAf3A17238daD6F23140B491A6

Below Transaction was done without my permission


Please help me to get back $ 5.72 transferred from my wallet

A post was split to a new topic: Made a transfer of Polygon Matic for Coinbase

I try to swap flokim into usdt on pancakeswap but nothing shown now my bnb is missing from wallet.what should I do now?

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У мене теж сьогодні з ранку зникли гроші . Було 50 доларів а тепер 00.00 що не ам т пер робити ?

У мене теж сьогодні з ранку зникли гроші . Було 50 доларів а тепер 00.00 що не ам т пер робити ? Що тепер будемо робити ?

Ви знайшли відповідь ? Допоможіть де знайти службу підтримки ? У мене теж сьогодні з ранку зникли гроші . Було 50 доларів а тепер 00.00 що не ам т пер робити ?

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Are sure the transaction or swap was successful? Cause that can be the reason for the delay

надішліть знімок екрана транзакції, щоб переконатися, куди вона потрапила…. Довіряйте версії програми Wallet (відкрийте програму, перейдіть до налаштувань програми та натисніть «Про програму», зробіть знімок екрана та прикріпіть його сюди)

Адреса крипто-гаманця (натисніть значок отримання біля кнопки відправки, зробіть скріншот QR-коду та прикріпіть його сюди. Також скопіюйте та вставте його у вигляді звичайного тексту)

Хеш транзакції або посилання (якщо у вас є, скопіюйте та вставте)

Додаткова інформація про вашу проблему (будь ласка, поясніть, що ви намагалися зробити)

Скріншоти гаманця (включаючи помилки або відсутній баланс)