Smart Contract Call - No details


Grateful if someone could help me.

I connected my wallet directly to 1inch and swapped ETH for DSLA. However the transaction has not gone through and the coins are not showing in my wallet. I don’t think any money has been taken out.

There is a Smart Contract Call in my ETH that has the transaction. However, when I click “more detail” it takes me to an Etherscan page that says “ Sorry! We encountered an unexpected error.”

Not sure what is happening and I don’t have the transaction ID as a result to check what is happening. All I have is the recipient and I took a screenshot when the transaction went through and I have a data code.

Any help appreciated. I can post screenshots if needed.


Update on the above. I spoke to 1inch and they informed me that the Trust Wallet never sent the swap to the blockchain. If I want to make the swap I will have to do start again. Luckily no money was taken from my account and gas prices are down now, so worked in my favour.

Great! Glad to know that. If you have further inquiries, feel free to message us. Stay SAFU!