Watch only address wallet

Hi, I am still trying to migrate my watch only address wallet to my main wallet. If I do a uninstall / reinstall of the the app do I require the the 12 word recovery phrase for the watch only wallet? I cant back the watch only wallet up because I only have the public address. Does this make sense !

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Please do the following:

  • Make sure you have the backup of your recovery phrase, private key, or keystore JSON

  • Uninstall the Trust Wallet app

  • Install the app again

  • Import using the backup (do not import an address, that will turn your wallet as a watch-only)

please how do withdraw etherium fro wallet watch?
i clic to bouton《send》 but they say that : make sure you have access to this wallet before using it, what can i do?

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Hi. I do not have a recovery phrase or private key for the watch only address but I do for the other wallets. If I uninstall what do I use to recover the watch address…this has left me scratching my head.

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Without your recovery phrase, you can not withdraw or send out of your Trust wallet if it shows as a watch only wallet.

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