Will receive it but it immediately leaves my wallet?

Can someone PLEASE help me im begging you guys im broke as it is and this has happened about 5 times.
Its always involved BSC smart chain. I will receive it but it immediately leaves my wallet? Can anyone help

Tx Hash: 0xd07d7e8952213f22e90180450f68262292b6db72669cb6183a6cbe85a3b0f10f

So it has happened with multiple different ones this one was BUSB to Smart chain.

This is the address it gets sent to:

My Smart Chain address it is supposed to be at is:


Also it gets rerouted to 0xd35f9ab96d04adb02fd549ef6a576ce4e2c1d935
And it’s called 1gas. What the heck is that??

@TeTCardanos Sorry to hear about your recent experience. Here are the possible reasons:

  1. You shared your 12 words (via phishing, social engineering, etc.);

  2. You saved your 12 words in a very bad place;

  3. Your device is corrupted with malware;

  4. Someone had physical access to your device;

  5. You entered your recovery phrase on a fake/clone app.

  6. You transacted with a malicious DApp.

Unfortunately, confirmed transactions at blockchain are irreversible.

Please read and understand this:


Learn more about how to protect your cryptos and new wallet:

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