BNB balance still 0 after my first deposit from exchanger wallet

Please help, my BNB balance won’t update after I made transfer from an exchange. Trust wallet app shows the transaction history for it and it says the transfer was successful but my bnb balance is still 0.

Hello @ferd86 To better assist, please send the following information:

  1. Crypto wallet address copy and paste it in plain text.

  2. Transaction hash or link please copy and paste

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  1. BNB wallet address on my Trust wallet app : bnb1daz8fndv6g4ss37rt6c5g6ayqxa7u7l5ngygvz
  2. Transaction link : h t t p s : / / e x p l o r e r . b i n a n c e . o r g / t x / 1 7 4 0 F E 9 7 2 4 A B 4 8 2 7 C 0 E A 4 9 5 B 8 B 9 4 A 7 D 6 6 7 4 B 2 F A 2 2 6 A B 1 2 1 8 3 4 5 2 2 5 F B 7 1 7 7 4 6 A 9


  1. BNB wallet address on my Trust wallet app : bnb1daz8fndv6g4ss37rt6c5g6ayqxa7u7l5ngygvz
  2. Transaction link : Transaction Hash (TxHash): 1740FE9724AB4827C0EA495B8B94A7D6674B2FA226AB1218345225FB717746A9 | BNB Beacon Chain

Thank you in advance

@ferd86 try to use VPN and refresh your wallet.
If problem persists try to re-import your wallet: How to Re-Import your Wallet

i just did so, I reimport-ed my wallet. Still 0 balance, only bnb have problem though, I tried transfering the same amount to Smart Chain and it worked

nevermind it worked after I use vpn, thank you so much for your help have a good day