Choose depósit USDT in my True Wallet but I choose Arbitrum network

But there is something wrong.
I’ve got Trust Wallet account. I choose depósit USDT in my True Wallet but I choose Arbitrum network. Then Trust Wallet gave me an Arbitrum adress for being able to deposit USDT from Binance. I copied that adress Trust Wallet gave me and paste in Binance. I sent from Binance and I received in the Arbitrum adress for USDT that Trust Wallet gave me. I look for that adress in Arbitrum scan net and I found it. Bu the problem is, once I added that adress to Trust Wallet your app say me that is only watch adress.
How could I have the seed phrase or private key if Trust Wallet was who gave me the adress???:man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

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@arias.0k watch only means you imported wallet address instead of wallet recovery phrase. Import your recovery phrase to have full access of your wallet. Here’s how to import: How to Import a Wallet via Recovery Phrase

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@arias.0k seed phrase is given when you are creating a wallet. If you are the real owner of the wallet you should have recovery phrase or private keys.

But there is something wrong.
I’ve got Trust Wallet account. I choose depósit USDT in my True Wallet but I choose Arbitrum network. Then Trust Wallet gave me an Arbitrum adress for being able to deposit USDT from Binance. I copied that adress Trust Wallet gave me and paste in Binance. I sent from Binance and I received in the Arbitrum adress for USDT that Trust Wallet gave me. I look for that adress in Arbitrum scan net and I found it. Bu the problem is, once I added that adress to Trust Wallet your app say me that is only watch adress.
How could I have the seed phrase or private key if Trust Wallet was who gave me the adress???:man_shrugging:
But there is something wrong.
I’ve got Trust Wallet account. I choose depósit USDT in my True Wallet but I choose Arbitrum network. Then Trust Wallet gave me an Arbitrum adress for being able to deposit USDT from Binance. I copied that adress Trust Wallet gave me and paste in Binance. I sent from Binance and I received in the Arbitrum adress for USDT that Trust Wallet gave me. I look for that adress in Arbitrum scan net and I found it. Bu the problem is, once I added that adress to Trust Wallet your app say me that is only watch adress.
How could I have the seed phrase or private key if Trust Wallet was who gave me the adress???:man_shrugging:

Thanks. I know all of this. But I choose Arbitrum main net as provider when I sent USDT from Kucoin. And I gave the ETH-20 adress of trust wallet.
The USDT appears in that adress. But that adress is in Arbitrum main net. I’ve never register that wallet inArbiturm.

@arias.0k seed phrase is universal, a multi-coin wallet recovery phrase will contain all wallets such as arbitrum, BSC, ETH, AVAX, BTC, ETC… etc.
There’s no need of creating individual wallet, one by one.

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