Different transaction fees on different wallet

I was planning to withdraw 1USDT using trc20 on my 1st wallet. However, i noticed the fee, its 13.xx TRX or 0.93usd equivalent. Before i deposited my USDT trc20 in my wallet i check first how much fee must i pay in order to withdraw it, and i remembered that it will only cost me less than 2 trx. So i check my other wallet then i noticed that in another wallet on my same app that it will only cost me 2 trx with the same transaction. I checked it again maybe the fee has gone down but after checking the fee is still the same. 13 trx on one wallet, another one is 2trx only. Both of them would send 1USDT on the same address but the fee for the same transaction is different on different wallets. Why is this like this?

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Hello @Vaxirih, Trust wallet don’t calculate any network fees, they are calculated through some other logics. More information here

Thanks you

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do calculations for network fees vary from wallet addresses? I thought it would be the same from wallets but will only change when the network is busy?

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Is there a way to lower the fees for my wallet? the fee is too much if im planning to send only 1USDT and the fee for that transaction will be 0.93usd.

@Vaxirih you tried with 2 different wallets, so basically they aren’t the same

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@Vaxirih Yes, you can edit, but do it at your risk because it can make your transaction last longer in pending state. Here we go: How to Change the BTC Network Fee

Try to follow this tutorial, only the network is going to change

@Fly3r i read the link you gave me but i cant see the gear option when sending in trx or trc20. Any link again or guide on how to change the transaction fee in trc20?

You can’t , and this is not really an issue i think , there is less energy in 1 of your wallets that’s why the fees are not the same , you should do some research on how the Tron blockchain works .

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