How get TRX to transfer USDT trc20

hello ;plaease help me i can’t tranfert my usdt (trc20) to binace wallet ;my freind send me 10 trx for fees but binance are blocking transfer he told him do not use the previous adreSS (TAUN6FwrnwwmaEqYcckffC7wYmbaS6cBiX)

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Hi @rachid,

To clarify, is your TRX in the address from the Trust Wallet app or in your Binance account now?

To clarify; my adress trx is in trust wallet app is not in binance account

So if your TRX is in the address from the Trust Wallet app, why are you trying to withdraw from Binance? Can you clarify and give more information as to what you are planning to do?

Ok. I want to transfer usdt from trust to binance but I need 10trx to do that. When my friends try to send me 10trx from their binance account, the binanace blocked that transation. as you can seen in the screen they asked my friend to not send trx to that trx adress don4t know why
and this my adress tron (TAUN6FwrnwwmaEqYcckffC7wYmbaS6cBiX)

I’m having the same problem I sent usdt (trc20) to my wallet… Did not know I need trx token to send out. I don’t have $50 minimum to buy trx just so I can send my trc20 to tron to stake on there. How do I get it there without having to spend $15 or more to send my trc20 that only costs 45 cents?

@rachid, that is not your TRX address, Binance owns it.
To get your TRX address, please open the Trust Wallet app > select TRX > press receive. Here’s a guide as well:

@Pewbert123, perhaps, try to ask a crypto friend out there who has spare TRX. Or, participate in TRX airdrops. Those are the alternatives aside from simply buying using the app or withdrawing from an exchange like

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Hmm never thought about trx airdrops… Allright well I’ll look into those thanks

Hello @iamdeadlyz, could you help to support me with about 8 TRX because I need them as a fee to transfer my USDT from TrustWallet to Binance.

This is my Tron (TRX) address: TQwszr2fvScAKFHUPHYhvQfbfwGFpHxfqc.

Thank you.

Sorry, I don’t have a spare TRX. You can buy it on then withdraw it to your wallet address.

I have try with that way but It’s didn’t work. All I get is just the Smart Contract Call with Incoming Transaction.

Smart Contract Call with Incoming Transaction? Can you send a screenshot?

I have bought and transferred about 100TRX from Binance to Trust Wallet yester. @iamdeadlyz

That smart contract call is about your withdrawal of 66.045821 USDT. Not 100 TRX.
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Ah I have try to withdraw from Bincance to TrustWallet again. It’s ok now. Thank for you supporting

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