Lost Elrond, please help boys

Purchased 200$cad worth of Elrond, Linked my ETH adress from my trust wallet like Elrond told me to do, brand new to crypto by the way - been waiting now bout 5 hours, Elrond / Moonpay are telling me its sent, never received in my trust wallet. Wondering whats going on?


Do I need to hold ETH to be able to recieve my coins? I currently have nothing in my trust wallet.


You can directly contact the service provider: List of Cryptocurrency Providers


Hey, thanks for the reply, I did, gonna take 24hours for their responce, im just wondering like, is it possible its gone forever?

Elrond told me to download trust wallet and give them my ETH adress link from that site.
I purchased 200$ worth of Elrond being sent to that link. Which I made on my phone…etc … etc
Ive been waiting hours now and still havn’t recieved the tokens or anything, even tho, it says that its been sent…etc

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You can wait a while or send a note. You will receive your coins if you provide your correct information @johndoe123

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Thanks for the answers !!!

I did provide my ETH adress correcly, but it says that the status of transaction hash is a success. On Ethurscan, shouldnt / wouldnt that mean that it went threw? And that I should have my Elrond? Or can the system really take up to 4 hours or more?

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please…post here the txid copy I want to check so that I can help better. @johndoe123

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Wow did you double check the receiving elrond wallet address and maybe it’s still confirming your transaction give it time.