How to transfer money from watch only wallet to actual account. If some one have the private key.
What is the validity of private key and is any brokage fee or any other fee also. Thanks
I didn’t get your answer. No one have access to my account but money is in watch only wallet and I don’t know how to transfer into actual account. My broker is saying need to pay brokage fee. I have private key but don’t know if it’s valid throughout life. Where I can get the tutorial about how to transfer the money. Thanks
Hello @Rupinderk
There is no way to move or transfer money out of a watch wallet account if you do not own the recovery keys.
If you were given a watch only wallet by a person or entity and they request you to pay to unlock the funds in it, it is a scam.
Oh ok but have private key and recovery phrase. I didn’t share with any one. There is no way to transfer money from watch only wallet? Is there any brokage fee??
@Rupinderk There is nothing like a brokerage fee. Please do not fall for such scams and a recovery phrase is supposed to be known by only one person.
If another party knows of your recovery phrase, then your wallet is insecure and will be easily compromised.
Recovery phrase and private key are with me. I didn’t share with any one. Still I can’t recover this money. I’m checking this amount sometimes it’s goes high and then low. Can I connect you other way like can we talk over call
The watch only address does not alllow you to access the funds In it . Only watch
So, How did you regain control of tor coins and your account. BERKELEY wants $5000 from me to return control of my TRUST account to me.
Report and block such person telling you to pay such amount of money for you to gain control of a watch wallet. Like I said run away it’s a scam
Run away it’s a scam only you have access to your wallet. Your turn pay such amount to gain control over your wallet. Your secret phrase is yours alone you don’t share it with another person
Oh, I won’t give key or money further then. But how I can transfer money from watch wallet by my self. Or I can not at all
You can’t transfer money from a watch wallet only if you don’t have the phrase key to have access to it then you can’t transfer
Thank you for your understanding
I have access to my phrase key never shared with anyone. How I can transfer money from watch only wallet thanks
It’s impossible to transfer from a watch wallet if you have the phrase key then import it in your wallet click on I already have a wallet click on multi wallet
Hello please my whole money is in my USDT TRC20 wallet and i need to transfer it now and i do not have any TRON left please can you lend me $10 TRON then i pay you back with USDT
Anyone could help me please i urgently need TRON
Here is the wallet address