Can this transaction be canceled?
If you want to use Uniswap, don’t lower your gas fee. because it will cause the pending. and it can take a very long time
I have had a transaction that was pending for over 2 days and it was frustrating to say the least. Check this to figure the way out of this fix Pending “Stuck” Transactions
I am sure this will help, for future please do not set the gwei (gas) too low
Thanks for your reply sir
How can i help you dear
Read my post please
Gaz fee is a serious problem today for the majority of people, to be able to transfer an ERC 20 Token to an exchange you will need usually 0.01 ETH if you do not want to take many days. Even I was unable to deposit my ERC 20 Token on any of the Gaz exchange wallets. Hopefully an upcoming update will address this issue
Yes sir hopefully