Pending unstake bnb. plz help

I unstuck earlier than 7 days some stuck. and the transfer is pending. Now that 7 days have passed, it is suspended again.

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Hi @jimi.rushak,

It will take 7 days for the BNB to be fully unstaked. Unstaking period starts on the next day UTC 00:00. If you are comparing it to the transaction timestamp, it may take a couple of minutes/hours since the starting time is different. Also, once you unstake, you will not receive rewards.

Learn more:

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I do not want a reward, I just want my balance to return.
I do not want a reward, I just want my balance to return.

Your 3 BNBs were already unstaked. Open the app and check your wallet again.

Good day,

Please help also to unstake my BNB these is my transaction ID



It will take 7 days for the BNB to be fully unstaked. Unstaking period starts on the next day UTC 00:00. If you are comparing it to the transaction timestamp, it may take a couple of minutes/hours since the starting time is different. Also, once you unstake, you will not receive rewards.

Learn more:

For those who are asking the same thing, please read ^