Sending usdt trc20 is temporarily not working

Is there any way to report the problem to the developers of the app?
This is ridiculous, I’m being charged everytime I try to transfer my money and still the transaction fails to complete

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@Prince2019 @Paul_wyt @thomasmith @Sergei888 @AliAbdSar @Natuleco @MehranRezghi @Ogbono @gpa @Jaavid
Please make sure to use the latest version of the app. 6.75 for Android and 7.26 for iOS.
You can ignore the yellow banner after updating.

Also, the estimated tx fee that is being displayed is indeed high, but when the transaction is done, it will consume less. The engineering team will work on improving the estimation this week.

No limit

@r_binesh @Mojimoji251
Please ignore the yellow banner since you already updated the app


I will now lock this thread since the original issue is already resolved. If you have further inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out via this forum or using our ticket system at

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