Sent ETH from binance to trust wallet via binance smart chain. Transaction history says complete but it shows 0ETH in trust wallet

I just sent ETH from binance to trust wallet via binance smart chain. Transaction history says complete but it shows 0ETH in trust wallet. Any

Hi, I sent ethbep20 to trust wallet. Thought it will show up in my eth address but it is under its own ethbep20 token. Now, I want to swap eth in unisap but it says i have 0 eth. Sounds like a similar issue you have or had. any ideas on how to convert my ethbep20 to eth ERC20? I want to buy SHIP with ETH.

There are two ways to convert it to native ETH.

  1. Deposit it to and withdraw as ETH (ERC20)
  2. Use

Hi there
I have this problem too
What can I do
Please help me
Thank you

It seems ETH and ETHBEP2 are not the same coin. ETHBEP2 is an ETH Token from binance. Value is the same but it is not seen as the same coin. You need to convert to ETH or send ETH over and not via smart chain.