Setting bsc mainet

How to setting bsc mainet allways eror

New setting

Your question isn’t clear enough but if you are talking about setting bsc on metamask you can read this guide here Setting up Metamask for Binance Smart Chain (BSC) | by Stakingbits | Stakingbits | Medium

But if you are talking about switching between ETH to BSC in the dapp browser follow this guide here Access Binance Smart Chain DApps with Trust Wallet


Thanks friend because before eror now normal again

You are welcome @titamaniez

I have a close / similar problem with my TrustWallet.

I just sent 0,27183007 BNB from exchange (Indodax) to my TrustWallet,

Check the hash here:

But the balance on my TrustWallet is still 0 BNB.


Anyone here from TrustWallet official, please explain and help me to get my BNB back.

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