Shiba inu to eth 2 times

swap shiba inu to eth 2 times now . Transaction was approved and fees taken. But, nothing was swapped.

Please help .

@akroum When swapping tokens for the first time, you have to approve it first to be spendable. And, that is what you did just now.

Since you are done approving the token, you need to enter the amount that you want to exchange then press the swap button.

All in all, you will confirm two transactions: approve and swap

NB: Both token approval and swapping transactions needs gas fees.

Read more: What is Token Approval?

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Having same problem since yesterday as well…swapped from shib to Ethereum, approved, completed, gas fee charged but not swapped

Hello @Ceyrah When swapping tokens for the first time, you have to approve it first to be spendable. And, that is what you did just now.

Since you are done approving the token, you need to enter the amount that you want to exchange then press the swap button.

All in all, you will confirm two transactions: approve and swap

NB: Both token approval and swapping transactions needs gas fees.

Read more: What is Token Approval?

Yes I clicked on Approve and also Swap as the final step.
It shows no confirmation on the Trust wallet app but on etherscan it shows its 5145 block confirmations.
What am thinking is that maybe the gas fee charges was too low which I paid $62.
Here is the harsh Id of transaction so you can check it yourself

@Ceyrah this is transaction for token approval not swap. And your SHIB are still in your wallet. Head back to Uniswap where you approved your tokens and swap.