Staking & Unstaking Cosmos, can't unstake

In a bit of pickle here, I staked Cosmos, but am unable to unstake it, keeps telling me there are insufficient funds. I thought it would simply take from the rewards or from Cosmos itself for the transaction. It’s all a bit strange, why is it doing it this way, it’s asking me for $0.00 (0.001 atom) in fee to unstake it?


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I did try to delete your comment, but I can’t.


Perhaps unrelated and sorry about this, but how do I create a new topic here, I am stuck with staked Cosmos coins and can’t unstake it it’s seeking $0.00 in fees… I thought it would just take from the available Cosmos and let me do what I need to do, it keeps saying there is insufficient funds…

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Время блокировки 21 день на стейкинге Cosmos, читайте внимательно правила

Hi @atoms,

We sent a small amount of ATOMs to help you out: Interchain Explorer by Cosmostation

Try to unstake again.


This is one of the reasons why Trust Wallet is simply the best. They’re always there for the Community members.

Ever ready to assist! Thank you Trust Wallet!


Whoa, thanks a lot!
I did try to unstake, and it’s been pending for several hours now…

It will take some time @atoms, specifically, 21 days. You can track the unstaking here :arrow_down:

Link: Interchain Explorer by Cosmostation

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Thanks much for all your help, much appreciated everything!

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