Swapping USDT to BNB is not happening

I swapped USDT to BNB and it has been approved and successful. But my USDT is not Swapped and still there it didn’t change to BNB. Please do the needful.





When swapping tokens for the first time, you have to approve it first to be spendable. And, that is what you did just now.

Since you are done approving the token, you need to enter the amount that you want to exchange then press the swap button.

All in all, you will confirm two transactions: approve and swap

NB: Both token approval and swapping transactions needs gas fees.

Read more: What is Token Approval?


I have did all the steps you have mentioned above

The transaction was successful and Hash transaction was also created .


But the amount is not transferred from Tether USD to SmartChain BNB. Still I am seeing the amount in Tether USD.

Please provide me a solution to revert back the transaction. Because I cannot do anything.

Hello @Sarav
Where did you make the swap?
What link did you use and can you provide the link you made the swap on?

Thank you for the reply

I did the swapping again and It is worked.

I have converted USDT to SmartChain BNB

Thank you.