Transaction error "Dropped & Replaced". Replace with another transaction that transfers money to a new wallet, not the recipient's wallet. The recipient did not receive the money

I am the sender of this trade

The transaction reported an error and was replaced by a transfer to another wallet address I did not know
My money transfer hash (error message): 0xeb2307aeadfd724e196c8d5b149867706b00b59dae7a581bb230b97cb69af473
Automatically replaced by transaction hashes: 0x98d33fcc4db0f950eb1644308cc970ac561479a1bcf03350be135ecfc9311461
This wallet is not a recipient’s wallet: 0xfce433a368cf4c67466a18043cd5236ed649672d

The transaction reported an error and the recipient did not receive the money. We wish the support! Many thanks!


The definition of Dropped & Replaced means that the pending transaction was replaced with a different one with a higher gas fee.
The address set on the replacement transaction can only be done by the sender.


today three day transaction dropped my time i tried to increase gas charge same amou same accout same gas charge or increase gas chare but no pending transaction clear.

To better assist, can you provide us the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version
  2. Crypto address
  3. Transaction ID (if you have any)
  4. Details about your issue
  5. Screenshots of the wallet (errors, if any)

I have similar challenge but I’m suspecting someone hacked into my wallet to perform this transaction

I have similar challenge but I’m suspecting someone hacked into my wallet to perform this dropped and replaced transaction

My transaction was dropped and replaced since 17th till date ive not seen any feed back please i need ur help

Hi @Philipisaac,

To better assist, please provide us the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (go to settings and press “About”)
  2. Crypto address
  3. Transaction ID (if you have any)
  4. Further details about your issue (please explain what you were trying to do)
  5. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors, if any)

Wallet version 1.15.9
I transfered my eth from roqqu to my trust wallet
And its indicating droped and replaced

@Philipisaac, please copy the link or the transaction hash and send it here.


A post was split to a new topic: Transferred to Roqqu, need help!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Transferred to Roqqu, need help!