Twt bep2 vs bep20

Please where’s advisable to store your twt
Bep2 or bep20 I need suggestions with valid reasons please…thanks

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I think you question should be which do you prefer between BEP2 and BEP20?

For me I keep both so i can benefit when there’s a giveaway on both chains.

For instance, Thornchain uses BEP2 where you can provide liquidity and earn from fees yet the fees are fixed when swapping from BEP2 TWT to BEP2 Rune or BUSD.

But if you want to interact with Pancakeswap, cheese burger and benefit from the giveways especially in pancake you need BEP20.

In other words, both has their pros and cons.


It is completely your choice on the basis of your utility.

You can easily swap between BEP2 and BEP20 on the fly How to make a Crosschain Swap on Trust Wallet

I hope you don’t mind me asking. I’m new to the Trust Wallet. I have Dos Network token BEP2 and it always show a big minus in the app, even though on Coinmarketcap it shows the coin is in green. Would you know why this is? This is my first post…thank you.

Update your App friend

Thank you for helping me. :slight_smile: I only downloaded the app a few days ago so it’s the latest one. In the top right-hand corner when I click into the token its saying -87% today, but the balance is up what it says on Coinmarketcap. There is an option for me to have the erc20 token…should I have gone for that one instead? :slight_smile:

Please note that coinmarketcap can display incorrect data sometimes, so don’t depend on the data gotten from their alone.
Use other sources to compare which is more accurate