Understanding how my network fee was paid

Hi! I am a crypto and Trust Wallet newbie. I made two purchases of US$50 each of Bitcoin. These were bought through Moonpay and I believe I paid US$52.99 for each transaction, plus something like US$1.49 foreign transaction fee on each transaction.

When looking at the transaction in trust wallet, I see that there was a network fee of .00196968 BTC ($108.26). I am really confused, as this is more than twice the value of the Bitcoin that I purchased. I purchased the Bitcoin with a debit card, and do not see a debit for this US$108.26 reflected anywhere, nor was there any moment where I was told such a fee would be assessed and offered a “Are you sure you want to pay this fee for 1/2 it’s worth in Bitcoin?”

This is why I think (I hope???) I am just confused.

Could anyone illuminate me?

Thanks and anxious,


The above fee was from the 2nd transaction. The first transaction.says it had a network fee of 0.00174381 BTC ($95.39)

This article explains what network fees are and how they work. Trust Wallet is a fully decentralized app and follows the rules of the networks it connects to. No funds are kept in the wallet and no fees are collected by the app . : Read more here: Cryptocurrency Network Fees

Thanks Alan47. I have combed that particular article countless time, but still cannot understand the actual financia mechanism through which that stated fee was or will be collected. No one deducted anything from my Bitcoin and no surcharge has come through my account. Is that possibly a hypothetical fee?