Unstaking TRX issue

It’s not lost. The TRX is simply frozen and not voted. You need to vote so you can earn rewards and to enable the unstake option.

Simply stake your 22.9 TRX again (to sum up to 24.9 TRX) even though the available balance is 0.


Thanks it has been resolved​:heart::heart_eyes_cat:

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Thank you it has been resolved​:heart::relaxed:

Here are the screenshots

It does not show my wallet address to send funds back to
Version 1.19.2

Address funds of trx needs to unstake and go back into


Hi @BrianJames,

You can simply unstake it and it will go back to your wallet.

Can you please take a look at my wallet?
I’m having a bit of problem with staking and unstaking.

My applications version is 1.19.6

Hi @Pansit,

Please attach a screenshot regarding the error you encountered.

I’m not really sure if this is an error. But last week Wednesday, I staked 79 Trx. And then 3 days later, I claimed my rewards. Then, I deposited 34 Trx to my wallet and I decided to stake it all. So when I went to the stake option, I selected the “max” and proceeded. After proceeding,
I received this error. So I thought it’s probably some bug or something so I left it until now. Then I saw that
everything was frozen but the staked is only 79. So I tried a bunch of things so I staked 20,94 and finally 144. But now it’s all in the stake area so I’m guessing it’s a lag or something? I’d appreciate if you check my wallet. Thanks

apparently I can’t embed media items on a post so I can’t attach a picture. Sorry.

Try to stake .412 TRX again to the same validator, even though the available amount is lower than the stated TRX. Wait for 3 days to fully unstake all of your TRX.

“Vote count must be greater than 0” It’s okay tho as long as I can unstake it. Thanks! I’ll update 3 days later if something wrong happened again.


я не получаю вознаграждения за стэйкинг, что происходит?

Hi @MILA777,

You don’t have any staking rewards to be claimed: TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器

я делал ставки 3 раза! по 3 дня ! - но вознаграждения не были получены ! почему


You need to select a validator to stake with so you can earn rewards. Follow this guide properly: How to Stake TRON (TRX) on Trust Wallet

я все так и делал ! 2 раза отправлял trx - ждал 3 дня ! но наград не получил !


Choose a different validator other than Sesameseed.

отправил на другой валидатор . через 3 дня отпишусь 1aa669ed442bd42feb45729a357bd9748a8583adb2c95aa7e042f129d779af49