Using Atom token on Binance Chain

I’m trying to use ATOM / BUSD on the DEX to sell my ATOM tokens. However, it’s showing as no tokens even though I have some available in my wallet which were just fully released from undelegation.

Hi @bentli,

Since you mentioned this one, the ATOM tokens that you have right now are the native ones. It should be in the BEP2 version ($- | ATOMBEP2 ATOM-596 Tracker | BNB Beacon Chain) so you can use it in the Binance DEX.

How do I obtain the BEP2 version from the native? Will I lose the ability to stake too with those?

Do you have any helpful links as to the difference here?

Enable the BEP2 version in the wallet first (follow this guide: How to Add or Remove a Coin). After that, deposit your native ATOM tokens to Binance then withdraw it as BEP2 then input your receiving address which we enabled earlier.

You will lose the ability to stake your ATOM tokens since it is now transferred to a different chain. Read this guide to learn more about pegged tokens: What are Binance-Peg Tokens?