Want serious Advice

Dear Community,
Glad that I am part of this group. Pls. can someone give me an advice me: I have received USDT in my accounts and want to withdraw it, but the Trust Wallet support Team requested I deposit 10% of the amount before I can proceed with the transaction. I did send the 10%, but unfortunatly exchang rate fluctuation got on the way, and the amount was less by a fraction, and did not reach the 10%. By logic I think I should be asked to top up the difference, but istead, the Trust Wallet support team is requesting that I make another 10% deposit, Is that nomal?

@GabrielFred Unfortunately those are scammers and not related to Trust wallet in any way as no one from Trust wallet would request a fee from you.
I’d advise you cut your loss, delete the current wallet you have as it’s most likely compromised and create a new one.
Please ensure going forward you try to follow good security practices.

Tobi, Thank you so much for your advice and help. I was contemplating sending another 10%.

By the way, Sir, how will I transfer the money from the old Wallet if I create a new wallet?

Again, Please help me. Thank you

@GabrielFred You only need to send to the receiving address for that particular token in your new wallet.
Please ensure you never share your recovery words.
Trust wallet will never require that nor request money likewise.

Sir, Again, the Trust Wallet Support Team says they are not asking for fees for anything. But when a sizable amount is received in your Wallet, when your Assets is zero, you must deposit 10%, not from the received amount but a separate remittance to deposit before you can proceed with your transactions. Please advise me, has this been the rules of Trust Wallet? Will be grateful for your sincere response, Thank you.

@GabrielFred I already told you above those are scammers and not Trust wallet, why are you still in talks with them?
Trust wallet is decentralized, free to use and doesn’t require any type of deposit fee.