Watch wallet access

I have received eth. The eth wallet says it is watch only. How do I make the funds accessible? Do I move to the main wallet? How do I do that? I’ve skimmed through faqs and troubleshooting etc. can’t figure it out. Thanks!


Hello @Aloha722 watch wallet means you imported wallet address instead of wallet recovery phrase or private keys. If you are the owner of the wallet import through recovery phrase or private keys you’ll be able to access your funds.

Check this guide on how to import: How to Import a Wallet & Our Top Tips To Do So Securely


Thanks! I am not the owner of the sending wallet. Is there a way for me to fix this or is the sender?


I have phrase for my main account. They had me open an ETH wallet. When I tried to send it said it’s a watch only wallet.
That would still be under my phrase, right?


@Aloha722 who told you to send funds to that wallet? If you send funds to the watch wallet you’ll not able to access them as it is not your wallet.

Nothing you can do to make the watch only wallet to have full access of it unless you have private keys or recovery phrase.

If there’s someone who gave you address to import as watch wallet and they want you to deposit and wallet will be yours, that’s a scam.


Yes. They are saying I have to “apply” for the key. I have the phrase for the main wallet.
So it’s their wallet not mine?


@Aloha722 that’s an obvious scam, even they give you a key they can still transfer your funds anytime. Just stop communicating with them to be safe.


Hi, I’ve got the same issue. I recieved eth from someone and they sent it to my trust wallet. Now when I’m trying to transfer those eth from Trust app to my Binance, I’m unable to and a pop up appears saying it’s “Watch Only wallet”

Please Help, thanks.


Hello @Jackboi read my reply above please. There’s no way you can transfer funds from watch only wallet.


Is there a way to integrate it with my main wallet? Let’s say by increasing the limit of my watch only wallet? A guy sent me some eth and he sent to the watch only wallet. Now when I’m contacting him he’s telling me to put in $5k to increase my limit so that I can access the whole wallet and transfer the funds.

I’m new to this and that’s the reason I’m asking. Thanks.


@Jackboi there is no such thing, don’t deposit or send any money to that wallet. You are chatting with scammers trying to steal money from you. It is better to stop conversation with them to be safe.


Oh okay, thanks man. Just one final thing… How’s coinhodlr net and is it promising?

@Jackboi you have to do your own research, we are giving support for Trust wallet related issues only.

I am an ios user, trus wallet was deleted from my phone, I forgot my recovery password, how can I enter trust wallet again?


@Anacuzdan wallet can’t be recovered without recovery phrase, if you didn’t save them nothing we can do, read more here: Lost Recovery Phrase or Private Key


I’m in the same situation as ur previous converse. Is there any way that I can hack into the eth warch wallet or It’s not possible???

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@jnjay4life nothing can be done, sorry. The only way to access the wallet is through recovery phrase or private keys. Read my replies above please.