What's happened in trustwallet don't update price of Token

Please can describe what’s happened in trustwallet don’t update of Token price


Hi @khanlipu,

Please check this guide to know how we get the price of a coin/token :arrow_down:

I saw some token or coin Price updated in coingecko but don’t any effect in trustwallet. It’s not only 10 or 15 minutes it’s I am seeing long time.


To better assist, please provide us the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (go to settings and press “About”)
  2. What are the coins and/or tokens that are not updating correctly?
  3. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors, if any)

Ok I am providing that’s

Trustwallet version:1.19.23
And some token price

don’t update from an week until now, attached screenshot


Please update the app to the latest version (1.20.10)