3day and eth still no available in my wallet

This is day 3 since I transferred eth in my wallet. Evidence is available in transaction history but funds has not appear in my wallet. I have placed a ticket still no response.

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@Sirmard Please read this:

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To :0x4DE23f3f0Fb3318287378AdbdE030cf61714b2f3

From: 0x416299AAde6443e6F6e8ab67126e65a7F606eeF5

Transaction hash : 0xc3b7305b152c6334aa1751cbd7bcdaffca1cca3c92bfc9ed0b7af69ac7457821

Kindly look into it.

@Sirmard That’s a scam bot wallet you sent and I don’t think it belongs to you.
It’s best you do not deposit more money there.