Accessing dapp issue

Hi anyone else having issues accessing Dapp directly from search in trust wallet. Such as pancakeswap when I access it. The trust wallet simply shuts down


I just reported tbe same thing! I was worried it was my phone. Im having the same problem!

When accessing Chrome or Google on your phone is that working. Do a search and start typing. Does it also shut down?

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Also having this issue on android, but not on iOS. Entering anything into the DApp address bar causes TW to crash.

Restarting phone, forcing TW to close, clearing the cache all didn’t work. But clearing my user data worked. I didn’t have to uninstall/reinstall.

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Here is the solution


But this approach requires reinstallation of trust wallet, right?

Is there any other way ?

No installation of trust walket… its an update uninstalling webview . Its works . This
Webview was also affecting binance

Hey I need help I dont understand how to fix whats going on . is this from using Pancake swap when thr breach happened?

The app crash was related to an update released by the Google team. This issue affected several Android apps, not just Trust Wallet. You need to install an updated Android System Webview from the Play Store. Get it here: