Accessing your wallet by address

Hello guys :wave: please can a scammer get access to my wallet through my ethereum or bitcoin address? I really need an answer for this​:pray:


No , they wouldn’t be able to do that.


Not at all… The hacker has to have your private keys or back up phrase to get into your account


Not at all the hacker has to have your back up phrase also in order to assess your wallet


Hi :wave: Indeed as mentioned no one can access your funds without your private key. Do not forget to backup and to store to a safe place. However I just want to mention all addresses are public and accessible through the explorer,that means anyone can see the transactions made on all addresses. Try to see your wallet address in the explorer. On BTC you will be able to see your transactions on ETH you can see the ERC20 tokens or collectibles associated to the corresponding address as well.


No, they can’t. They can only get access to your account through your private key or passphrase so keep it securely and don’t disclose it to anyone and stay safe :grinning:


Am not sure verily to asses into the account.


Not unless you give them your mnemonic phrase or private keys…the whole point of Blockchain is that it is transparent so you can take anyone’s crypto address & plug it into the block explorer for their chain & see all the coins contained within & their transactions…stay safe & take care out there :pray: :heart: :wink::sunglasses:


Thank you everyone for your time and help :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: I sincerely appreciate :pray::heart:


It depends.
Public address, no.
Private keys, yes. Very much so

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No , no one can access to your wallet with only address

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No it’s not possibly your address is your public key while your your private key is should remain hidden not to be shared with anyone please always keep your mmeronic phrase and private key safe with that no one can steal your assets.

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It’s not possible to hack or access an account through address… Scammer should have private keys, mnemonic phrase to access… Don’t worry… But with your address anyone can check your balance

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Can’t work without your private keys or passphrase

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Relax, No one can access your wallet with just receiving address.

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Noone can access your wallet with your address. Bit anyone can view your wallet balance with your address :slightly_smiling_face:

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