ADA unstake code 200 error

Hi i have my ADA staked on Trust Wallet. I am not able to unstake. it says “the data could not be read because it is missing. code: 200”
i am on version 11.0.1(943)

there is no claim rewards, i should be able to unstake it but keep getting same error all the time. please help


@iDhavalDP Please update your app and try again. If you need further support, open a support ticket through your Trust app or at


I have the same trouble. Updating app is not helping. I can not unstake ada or make any transfers with it


@liber_money Please submit a support ticket through your Trust wallet app or at


I have made ticket already. No answer in a day. It seems, support does not read the tickets


@liber_money Please wait patiently, you’ll get a response.


i updated the app but i am unable to unstake. i created a ticket but no response.


@iDhavalDP Please wait patiently for a response.


Same issue here with the same error code. Unable to claim or anything.


@Cayman718 Please submit a ticket through your Trust app or at
To reduce response times from customer support, please include the following info in the ticket:

App version, device model, wallet address, TX hash (if available), and the blockchain + assets you’re experiencing the issue with, and any relevant screenshots or videos to duplicate the error.


I am going through the same issue plus there is a transaction missing. I can’t access my Ada holdings.


Tobi, May I ask how long will it take for support to get back to me(usually)? I have created a ticket 2nd of march and in the automated email was mentioned 1-2 days waiting time. Also, I have discovered more issues regarding my wallet which was not mentioned at my initial complaint. Do I need to create a new ticket with all the issues I’m experiencing or just wait for the support to get back to me. Thanks


@Imre There’s no ETA but to reduce response time, please ensure you provide screenshots or video recordings of the error so support can replicate the issue.

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Just one more thing, how can I provide more screen shots and video to my existing ticket? Since I have discovered more issues I would like to attache them to my ticket I started 2nd of march.
Thanks for your swift replies I appreciate it.


@Imre If you received a ticket ID, you can reply to that mail.
Please ensure it is from [email protected] as that’s the only official email.


I have also been having issues with unstaking my Cardano (ADA) it gives me a long error message when I try. I also get an error message when I try to send. At the top of the screen in Trust Wallet there is a message saying “Cardano is having issues and the node operator is working on a solution”. But it has said this for about a week now. Anyone have any idea what is happening?

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@SpudsCagney The best way to get support is to open a support ticket from your Trust wallet app.
Before opening a ticket, ensure you have tried troubleshooting the issue yourself first, you can use the chatbot in your settings for common troubleshooting
Settings → Support
Then if you still have the error, open a ticket

To reduce response times from customer support, please include the following info in the ticket:

App version, device model, wallet address, TX hash (if available), and the blockchain + assets you’re experiencing the issue with, and any relevant screenshots or videos to duplicate the error.


I’m having the same issues with my wallet regarding ADA staking, balance, and in general I have no access to my funds. It’s very hard to get any info from the support team. I have opened a ticket but other than an automated email there has been no update from them. Since your case is very similar to mine,do you think you could keep me and others updated of any changes at your end?.I will do the same. Thanks

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@Imre If you received a response from the support team with a ticket ID, you can respond to that mail.