Arrange Currencies in TurstWallet App

I suggest adding the ability to arrange currencies in the portfolio as I want and that there be an arrangement according to the price, value, etc., or as you like…

Are you with me on this … Then support this Idea to be responded to by the best trustwallet.


That would be an interesting feature


Thank you … for your supporting

This is important for all users…

Support this idea for all users

It’s a good idea… I support you


Thank you @Vandudgreat

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And finally it’s here. You can do that in trust wallet. As trust wallet token is listed on Binance DEX built on Trust wallet.


@Mike2microbe But what I mean here is different … I mean that the user has the freedom to arrange his currencies as he wants

Thank you for support

I’d like to be able to hide my HODL coins, but just being able to arrange them in the wallet would work. Perhaps we can number them locally then sort by that number.

This feature will be very much appreciated. According to user preference. Spot on