Bep20 sent to VeChain receive address by mistake

Hi, I know…stupid error but I managed it. Transferred Binance-Peg (ADA) to VeChain receive address by mistake and now transfer amount is not showing anywhere in my wallet, please help.

Hi @arch2,

Please follow this guide:

Side note: Select ETH in the coin part then choose BIP32 in the derivation path. Enter this one m/44'/818'/0'/0 then find the address that you used (usually at the top of the list) so you can get the private key. Import it as a Smart Chain wallet afterwards.

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Hi, thanks for the reply, followed your instructions and the balance returned to the new wallet. Great support, thank you so much…

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You’re welcome! If you have further inquiries, feel free to create a new thread/topic. Stay SAFU!