Best thing in life is a total FREEDOM

I have been thinking, that it will be a better user case if TWT can add privacy coin attach to TWT where by one can exchange or swap TWT to a privacy coin or make TWT in a way that one can send TWT without a trace to anyone and the received can also exchange or swap it back to TWT

The good, the bad and the ugly can have reason to adopt TWT for any kind of business transactions.

We All Love Our Privacy…
We All Love Our Freedom.


Privacy is the KEY

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Nice write-up but I have feelings that more functionalities will be add to trust wallet that will help the massive adoption of TWT.


I just prefer to make an available ways for Withrowing

You are welcome to the community

You have said it all

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Welcome, if you have any challenge using the platform feel free to ask.

Great to see more suggestions and #ideas trust wallet future looks very bright and my things are unfolding