Bitcoin Wallet Balance shows zero even after transaction is successful

I bought bitcoin yesterday and the transaction was successful and even confirmed by But the wallet balance is still zero and I have tried all the troubleshooting steps, but nothing worked. I changed the network, cleared cache, restarted device, even changed device, but nothing changed. And when I tried to submit a ticket, it shows to login to support account, for which I couldn’t find any sign up button. Please help me.

Bitcoin address: bc1qc8jaj7c5z8d7ahe9s0w9f6fc6nqgyr75k2sd96

App version : 8.9.1

@Fakharraza988 There is a message in your wallet when you tap on Bitcoin that Transaction issues are expected, it’s best you wait patiently while this is resolved.
If you need further support, please open a support ticket from your Trust wallet app.
Before opening a ticket, ensure you have tried troubleshooting the issue yourself first, you can use the chatbot in your settings for common troubleshooting
Settings → Support
Then if you still have the error, open a ticket

To reduce response times from customer support, please include the following info in the ticket:

App version, device model, wallet address, TX hash (if available), and the blockchain + assets you’re experiencing the issue with, and any relevant screenshots or videos to duplicate the error.

Hi Tobi, I’m not sure how to start a new thread sorry so I’ve posted here,

A few days ago I noted issues with my Solana not showing correctly, it took me a couple of days to realize I was “missing” some funds, I followed some steps on here and installed Trust Wallet on Chrome, which seemed to work and I was able to get all of my Solana off Trust and onto another wallet,

Yesterday I was doing the same with my other tokens because to be honest even though Trust has been amazing to use for the last couple of years, these recent issues make it unusable.

So I tried to send my btc off and go the JSON-RPC Error, even after trying different amounts etc,

Then today my balance is just not showing on neither my browser or mobile, just like my Solana problem.

my btc address on trust wallet is : bc1q3yxztnggz0n5k8hpgds8q5t6pae7nwd4fwu4rh

I have tried all the trouble shooting, nothing is working.

it seems hundreds of people are having similar problems recently, please advise

@Zeldder There is a message in your wallet when you tap on Bitcoin that Transaction issues are expected, it’s best you wait patiently while this is resolved.
If you need further support, please open a support ticket from your Trust wallet app.
Before opening a ticket, ensure you have tried troubleshooting the issue yourself first, you can use the chatbot in your settings for common troubleshooting
Settings → Support
Then if you still have the error, open a ticket

To reduce response times from customer support, please include the following info in the ticket:

App version, device model, wallet address, TX hash (if available), and the blockchain + assets you’re experiencing the issue with, and any relevant screenshots or videos to duplicate the error.

Hello, I recently put in a ticket for this same issue. The response I got today was that a new version 8.9.2 was coming soon. Browser Extension 2.7.2
I don’t have this updated version available yet but this was the answer I received from Trust Wallet support.

@Matt0724 Please wait for the new app update.

its my same problem what can i du ?
my two transaction both are same problem