Bitcoincash transaction issue

I cant transfer any BCH balance from my wallet to another address for about a day facing this error is there anyone who can help me out ?
Wallet address : qzuzxkk8zc2mp86apel6u2ktjkfewy875y5z0h9qzu
( Have tried updating , re-importing , reinstalling … )


Hello @DeathVerdict,

Our engineers are working on BCH issue. I will update you once issue is fixed.

Sorry for inconvenience.


I need help with the bitcoin cash transfer, I haven’t been able to make transfer for days now, having this http error, can I get help please


I’ve been having the same issue. Is it on all devices? I’m on ios. It’s been 3 days with this issue for me


Just export your bch private key using the ian coleman tool and import it in another wallet, like Guarda and then transfer your money

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Такая же проблема С выводом BTC

Когда будет исправлена эта ошибка ?

Уже несколько дней без изменений
Есть другой вариант вывода ?


Could you share this with us? Many thank you, how to import BCH private key BIP39 to metamask?

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@Alan47 how long more, hour or days? Mine is giving missing tx blob, code 400 or incorrect response error

Pls give us estimate so we don’t wait unnecessarily

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I think it’s working now for me. I didn’t get the error. Funds were sent to another wallet. Good luck

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