BNB I have withdrawn from Binance

Hello, I have the same problem. The BNB I have withdrawn from Binance still hasn’t arrived in my wallet, and it has been 3 weeks already. Would appreciate any help regarding this. Thank you!

Here are the details of my transfer:
TxID: 0x7634b473ff4c79c5ff537c752bd6dfe6f42348fde82283640822cd3dcb31c2d6
Address: 0x9DCD5E8b658bB4364d1a5Bf0cAc450f93838B28b
App v2.12

Hello @CLC28 this transaction hash is invalid or transaction didn’t broadcasted to the blockchain. Contact Binance for support on this issue.


Hello. Same with my case… i have withdrawn dron binance withBUSD. 30MIN ago. Still not received.


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I am having the same problem with the BNB i have withdrawn 2hours ago and still not received
My wallet address

Hello @Joka2 you can ask to binance , there is no incoming transaction in your wallet