I have staked my BNB a few weeks ago, I unstaked it on Sept 29, apparently it was locked for 7 days before I could take it back. 4 hours ago 7 days expired but the funds are still “Pending”.
Just to let anyone who experiences this issue in the future and finds this topic in a moment of despair; the issue was indeed related to
“your staked BNB will begin the unbonding period on the next UTC 00:00.”
So if you unstake your BNB it goes like this; imagine you unstake it on the 1st of January at 14:00 UTC, your unstaking will begin at midnight (2nd of January 00:00), and the funds will be available on the 9th of January at 00:00 UTC, and not before. So depending on the hour of the day you have initiated the unstaking process; it can take up to 8 days (not 7) to get a hold on your unstaked BNB.