1- version 5.21
2-0xe0BCd2Ee6e6CF0B22841174bd9558DfA0D724572 (Wallet)
3- 0x6ea295e3ad0afb9a544525e785327ba1966000351785bf06b2dcaf5782ea17a8 (Hash)
4 - so I bought some refinable and it went through as can be seen from my tx hash, I enabled FINE in trust and initially it was showed and reflected, however 15-20 mins later I went back to the app, it showed my BNB is back to original balance and I had no more FINE, I tried to send the bnb again ( thinking my transaction didn’t go through ) but each time it shows error, probably because it has been used to buy FINE already, so now I can’t see my fine in my wallet and in pancakeswap, and my balance is the same as what I started off before buying FINE, but I can’t send it anywhere ( probably doesn’t exist)
The pancake swap image was when my FINE was still in my wallet before I checked again 20 mins later, then it disappeared and my bnb went back to original balance, please assist me thanks in advance!
I can’t attach image for some reason I will try in another post