Can I add more than one wallet under the same seed phrase?

With metamask I pretty sure if you have multiple wallets for whatever reason if you add the seed multiple times the other accounts will try to be added by derivative. Does trust wallet do that?

I just want to know for future issues.


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Hello @techman05 , What do you mean by β€˜β€™ more than one wallet β€˜β€™ ? , you can creat more than 5 wallet with different seed phrase for sure and with the same wallet you can have some multi-coin .

It seemed like meta mask can make multiple wallets under a single seed. I just wanted to be able to see multiple tokens addresses that would be under a different dirivation. There is no way to tweak it in the wallet like others seem to have.

I guess its derivation 00 or nothing else when a seed is imported.

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Sorry again but , You can’t do that with Trust Wallet . feel free to open a ticket here if something is wrong with your wallet :

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