Cannot import Trust wallet from Google backup. Error importing keystore

I had some BTC sent over to my Trust wallet but the balance in the app was showing 0 even an hour after the transaction had been completed on the network which I confirmed. I decided to download/reinstall the app as I haven’t used it in a while. Trust Wallet is up to date.

I’ve gone to import the existing wallet from the google backup but when I enter the encryption password I’m getting the message “Error importing keystore”, and then the password page just refreshes. I know that the password is correct because if you put in any other (incorrect) password it will give you an error “Whoops! That password wasn’t right.”

Can you please give some advice on how to proceed.



@Binayoke Please open a support ticket from your Trust wallet app.
To reduce response times from customer support, please include the following info in the ticket:

App version, device model, wallet address, TX hash (if available), and the blockchain + assets you’re experiencing the issue with, and any relevant screenshots or videos to duplicate the error.


I have the exact same problem. I sent some FIL coin to my wallet day before yesterday but it was still showing zero. I decided to uninstall and install the wallet back after reading troubleshooting. Now when I am importing my wallet using secret phrase, it is showing this Error importing keystore.

Is this a universal problem? How do I get my wallet back?


@shashwatg Please open a support ticket from your Trust wallet app.
To reduce response times from customer support, please include the following info in the ticket:

App version, device model, wallet address, TX hash (if available), and the blockchain + assets you’re experiencing the issue with, and any relevant screenshots or videos to duplicate the error.


I already have an open ticket from 2 days ago which has still not been replied on. I hace raised another ticket for this issue now. When can I expect a response?


@shashwatg You should only open one ticket, multiple tickets just end up delaying your response time.


I am also facing the same issue. I am also trying to access my wallet after re-installing the app because it wasn’t showing my assets. But now even after entering the correct seed phrase, it’s showing “error importing keystore”


I just tried importing individual chain wise wallets and it worked. This error is popping only for multi chain wallet.
However, I am still unable to locate my FIL coin. When I check my wallet address balance on block explorer, it is showing my correct balance, but for some reason, my trust wallet app shows zero. What should I do?


@ksingh7, @shashwatg Please open a support ticket from your Trust wallet app.
To reduce response times from customer support, please include the following info in the ticket:

App version, device model, wallet address, TX hash (if available), and the blockchain + assets you’re experiencing the issue with, and any relevant screenshots or videos to duplicate the error.


I’m having the same problem uninstall it go reinstall it use my 12 word phrase doesn’t recognize it try to do my Google backup doesn’t recognize it my wallets gone now my money too


Iam facing the issue of error importing keystore while accessing the trust wallet in my new phone, even though I am entering the correct password and trying from Google drive back up.
Please help I already created the ticket for the same.


This is crazy! I have the same issue with ALGO!
Sent some ALGO to my Trust wallet, first this didn’t show at all, so in the end I decided to delete the app and start again, now I get the error keystone with the correct seed phrase.

I have even tried multiple different wallets and the ALGO still is not there?

I have also opened multiple algo wallets on trust with completely different seeds and still the same issue???

They say to complete the support ticket if which I did and you just get more questions, you answer them and get nowhere!!

When will this be fixed???


Recently, I encountered a similar problem. After attempting to update and restore my wallet without success, I installed the Trust Wallet Extension on Google Chrome. This enabled me to transfer funds to another wallet successfully. You might find the same solution helpful. Wishing you success in importing your wallet and making transactions!


@Brianbulla, @sanjeev61, @Pridal2008 Please open a support ticket from your Trust wallet app.
To reduce response times from customer support, please include the following info in the ticket:

App version, device model, wallet address, TX hash (if available), and the blockchain + assets you’re experiencing the issue with, and any relevant screenshots or videos to duplicate the error.

If you have opened a ticket already, please wait patiently for a response.